Knocking Robin Studios is an independent documentary film production company based on Gabriola Island, BC. Our passion is telling transformative stories that allow audiences to reimagine the world around us. We are dedicated to the craft of telling factual stories that make a difference in how we understand our shared relations on this planet. 
April Vannini is a visual ethnographer working in research, film production and development, documentary writing, and editing. She has produced, directed, written, and edited documentaries such as In the Name of Wild (2022), Inhabited (2021), and A Time for Making (2018). The films have been screened at festivals and broadcast through television and VOD platforms such as Prime, Kanopy, Tubi, Shelter, Plex, Hoopla, and many more. April is drawn to topics that help reimagine our place in the world and connect us to the local and often unheard voices. She believes that the power of story allows us to challenge our opinions and values by learning from another person's experience. She is drawn to visual ethnographic film and fieldwork and is grateful for the opportunity to continue learning from other people’s stories and experiences. April co-founded Knocking Robin Studios with partner Phillip Vannini in 2020.
Phillip Vannini is an ethnographic filmmaker who has produced, directed, written, and edited documentaries such as In the Name of Wild (2022), Inhabited (2021), A Time for Making (2018), Low and Slow (2016) and Life Off Grid (2015). His films have been screened at numerous festivals and broadcast through television and VOD platforms such as Prime, Apple TV, Google Play, Kanopy, Tubi, Shelter, Plex, Hoopla, and many more. Phillip is drawn to topics that reveal the deep connections between people and the places where they live and work. His style blends participatory, observational, sensory, and collaborative film-making elements, systematically blurring the boundaries between art and anthropology. Phillip co-founded Knocking Robin Studios with partner April Vannini in 2020.
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